Aug 8, 2009 6:25:58 GMT
Post by lilly on Aug 8, 2009 6:25:58 GMT
Via the wonder and the glory that is felix... this little nugget o' informational goodness.Though as I already commented at LJ, I'm guessing it's too much to ask that Mr. Morrissey might be playing the serial killer instead of yet another copper, eh? *rolls eyes*
Dreams About David Morrissey
Mr. Dreamy
Posts: 339
Aug 8, 2009 12:12:06 GMT
Post by kitty11 on Aug 8, 2009 12:12:06 GMT
Ta for the link I got to doing some digging, and it seems that the copper spots are pretty much filled up, although it's not from the most reliable source While I sincerely hope DM's not a copper, my gut tells me that the killer might be that other guy Aiden Gillen, judging by his aesthetic. LOL, if Paddy Considine's actually in this ( ;D ) then third time really is a charm for the pair of them ( Stoned, 1980, and now...)! kitty
Mar 11, 2011 20:31:22 GMT
Post by Ravish Me Ripley on Mar 11, 2011 20:31:22 GMT
Now this one is nearly upon us - David is indeed playing the copper whilst Aidan Gillen (who my undying love for far preceeds that that i hold for Mr. M) is playing the serial killer. David's part might not be considerably large (*ahem*) given that in the trailer it is Jason Statham who is pretty much chasing Aidan throughout. David seems to be Statham's senior officer? I couldn't care less to be honest, as if Aidan weren't enough to get me to see this film, David is in it too. I will probably be able to pretend Jason Statham doesn't exist
Apr 6, 2011 19:02:46 GMT
Post by Ravish Me Ripley on Apr 6, 2011 19:02:46 GMT
Back hup because this is nearly ready to go - UK release date May 20th ;D