Post by Ravish Me Ripley on Mar 7, 2011 22:17:02 GMT
I've been reading back through some bits and pieces and we so need you back to keep us updated again! Whilst i was away getting my degree and being all reckless and non-David loving (i apologise unreservedly) i have missed David several times - the Q & As in Sheffield, the evening in Derby, the filming of South Riding in Whitby - all within very acceptable drives of my home So please come back and tell me he is coming near my house again soon. Or even to my house. That would be preferable
Post by lilly on Mar 18, 2011 2:27:45 GMT
LOL, I'm here, darlin...I'm here...no worries, eh? {{hugs you comfortingly}} Though as I already mentioned, I got rather bogged down in serious information overload where Mr M is concerned, and the prospect of trying to assimilate it all--never mind passing it along to everyone here--really overwhelmed me, which is what mainly accounts for my lil' unplanned DMF2 vacay. However, I also knew that South Riding would probably bring some new members to the fold herein--I hadn't even considered that certain folk like you might be making a return engagement too!--so I was gearing up to return anyway. While I can't promise the DMF2 will be the ultimate clearinghouse for all David Morrissey information (much as that was my original ambition for this place), I think especially with the valued contributions of certain prized n00bs--yeah, kelsey and marianne, I'm looking right at youse, girlyfrens!--what we can be is a place to indulge in the Squee Overload Mr M incites in so many of us, as well dispensing a goodly amount of info into the bargain. Sound fair enough to y'all? P.S. Not sure about getting him to your house per se, but howzabout a Skype call and signed DVD's to benefit Twitrelief, at least? C'mon, folks, I think we can do better than the current bid of £310.00, can't we?