If it's okay with you guys, I'm going to lock the pictures thread, since as noted before, the way this forum was originally configured makes it impossible to merge categories (or at least I haven't been able to figger out how to do so) and it makes a helluva lot more sense to me to just post pictures in the relevant threads,
n'est-ce pas?And that being said, celia has requested that I post further screencaps of the Hunky Dougness variety...once again, I live to serve, ma'am. *doffs cap* It looks like I've posted most of the screencaps kitty was kind enough to send me, but here are more from her immortally-named, "Here Be the Wrath of Doug" collection. (Some are 600 and others are 700 in width because of my complete inability to keep numbers straight in my head--sorry.)
Though to start off...my priorities, let me show you them.
As per usual, kitty is made of win with regard to titles--I loved how she named this one "^_^" (though Photobucket no likey emoticon-derived file titling, the pedantic smegheads):
Ditto referring to this as "Colourful Manpain"...
...though I think das kitster deserves a special award for titling this, "Erm...You're Pulling Too Hard."
Perhaps a spot of PTSD here as a consequence?
I somehow refrained from making a macro with this next, which would have been captioned with something like, "All right, all right--I'll go get you some tampons!! Just please stop yelling and throwing things!!"
Though speaking of macros, this one (which I guess would constitute Shoulder Porn for all concerned)...
...reminded me of this old macro of mine, as the caption would pretty much work there too:
Definitely getting a, "Bitch, please!" vibe here, though kitty's original title of, "Are You Serious?" works just as well.
I'm reminded of my previous comment vis à vis, "Smug bastard knows he's smexay as all get-out" with this one.
Ohhh, girlfren, I know, I know...we find that pretty damn mesmerising too.
I probably would be sporting a similar look of stunned enthusiasm if I had been observing up close what she was just checking out.
There are actually a few more, but after processing these for the last several hours, my carpal tunnel is doing the neuromuscular equivalent of yelling, so the final installment will have to be posted anon.
In the meanwhile, though...because I always like to save the best for last...